Thank you for your interest in this free demonstration of fine art printmaking. The event took place on July 29, 2022.

Learn about printmaking with Kristin Carver

Eden 1900 Art Gallery is hosting summer “Meet the Artist” demonstrations, where you can learn more about diverse art mediums. This demonstration with Kristin Carver is about Linocut printmaking. Learn about this old art form.
About the Printmaking Demonstration
Kristin Carver is a multi-talented artist who specializes in the fine art of printmaking. Her focus is on relief cuts in linoleum printed on beautiful handmade papers. Printmaking is a lesser known, but old art tradition. Few understand the complexities and varied practices that fall under the printmaking umbrella.
While her fine artwork is on display here at the Eden 1900 Art Gallery, Kristin has agreed to give us a demonstration demystifying the magic of printmaking. Her free demonstration takes place on Friday, July 29th starting at 11 AM right here in the art gallery. This will be fun for the whole family, come watch and learn! Limited seating is available. Sign up today and reserve your seat using the button above.
When we say that one of her prints is number six of 25, those who are only familiar with modern printing would not understand. Each print is created by hand and varies slightly from the others in the series, making each one its own original. Learn how the base art is created, how each special paper is selected for finish and texture, how the ink is applied to the paper, and how the colors are applied one after another to create a finished piece.
About Kristin Carver
Artist Kristin Alley Carver was raised in Ogden, Utah, by parents who were both medical professionals. Early on, she was intent on a nursing degree, but one art class turned into many. These resulted in her graduation from Utah State University with a Bachelor’s in Fine Art.
After struggling to start a family, Kristin believed she had to give up art to pursue motherhood. For a time, her artist identity was buried, until a college mentor invited her to be involved in a printmaking project.
Creation is now part of her spiritual practice, and her husband and children are her biggest supporters. This fall will mark six years that Kristin Carver and her family have been living in Eden, the area of Ogden Valley where her husband grew up.